Monday, April 27, 2015

Crazy but AWESOME weekend!

We were able to attend Leadership with AdvoCare this year and it was pretty amazing!  The drive there not so much!  BUT on the way there I was talking to a friend that was running the OKC Memorial 1/2 on Sunday (this was Friday) and she said she would pick me up at 5:00 if I wanted to run it to. So I scrambled to get registered and to coordinate my cousin picking up my bag and was pumped to run!  
 We FINALLY made it to Leadership and were about drowned trying to park and get in.  My sweet hubby dropped me off at the door and he got drenched!  But it was SO worth it.  I loved getting to hear from some of the creators of our amazing products.  Good people!
 Of course seeing this guy is always nice too!  ;)

love my Advo peeps!
While there Pops and GranJan were hanging with our girls...

 I think they had a pretty awesome weekend!  Jeremy and I got back LATE Saturday night and I was up at 4am somewhat ready to run!  We had issues finding parking and getting to where we needed to be so we totally missed my cousin and I had to run bibless!  yikes!  thankfully nobody stopped me and I got my medal.  ;)

 Karen was super fun to run with!  Our time ended up being 2:10…not too shabby!  :)

Jeremy was super sweet and met me at the finish line!  Love this guy!
 After a shower we headed back into OKC to meet my cousin and his wife for lunch.  IHOP of course! Nothing sounds better after a long run than a big stack of pancakes!  yum!  After lunch we walked down the riverwalk before Pops and GranJan had to head back home.

 I feel the need to point out that Ryne picked out Reese's clothes!  ha!

Love my family!
 Once we got home it was time to play outside and then a little manual labor.  ;)

Whew…I'm tired all over again just remembering that weekend!  ;)

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