Monday, March 2, 2015

February fun...

February didn't disappoint!  We had some pretty days, some snowy days, some lazy days, mostly busy days, and lots of fun!
love this cute napper!
Silly girls bundled up and ready to jump before breakfast!

 We like to jam out from time to time...

 I had my small group girls over for a pre-Valentine's movie night.  We had a blast and were super loaded with sugar when they left!
and we found these…so so sweet!
 While I was hanging with my 8th graders…Jeremy took his favorite girls to a movie!
 Reese let Belle have her spot!  ;)
 Ryne is such a sweet sister.  She wanted to read Reese a bedtime story.  :)
 Cooper is super affectionate.  Sometimes Reese doesn't receive it well, she did this day at the gym though!

this girl loves to dance!
Some Wednesdays we will eat before Switch.  Most of them we are running too late, but the girls love it when we eat there!

 This kid...

 Orange leaf is always appreciated!

 We had fun making Valentine cards!  Ryne wanted to write out a poem for all her friends that talked about why she was glad they were friends.  Precious!!
 It's Valentine's day!

reading that we were going to GWL!  ;)
and more snow...
 I am almost always late to the gym because seriously how can you say no to a tea party?!
 lots of playtime!

 We had a GNO to do Painting with a twist!

We had a blast but I am seriously the messiest painter!  
I didn't love the painting/design but had a blast hanging with some girlfriends.  I was being silly with the finished product and put it in an empty frame by our room.  Well Ryne woke up the next morning and asked what was up with the scary witch!  haha!  She is now behind some stuff in the laundry room!

LOVE this girl and those baby blues!
 Fun at the library...

 and trying out beds at petsmart!
 I got to go on a fun little road trip with some crazy ladies!

 This girl is so so good!  She is seriously a champ and goes everywhere with me and never causes trouble.  I'll sometime be at the church for several hours and she is always great!  On this day she was wanting to nap though!  lol!
 oh and this is love!  I gave Ryne my last gingerbread bar!  I even tried to persuade her with ice cream!  ha!

 They got to dress like royalty for school so she picked this.  Cutest little Indian!
 and Reese discovered the art of a selfie!  lol!

 We also made a little road trip on ridiculously icy roads and had to pull over and miss our LR 1/2 marathon.  boo!  But these girls kept our spirits up!  :)

and then to start March off right….Welcome to the world Ethan Clyde Kaunitz!!

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