Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March fun...

We ran a race…
It's like a "Where's Waldo"…can you find us?  We are in there!  Middle, but a little right.  :)

The girls got close and personal with Belle!
Reese and I had a yummy cupcake treat…don't worry, we brought Ryne one too!  ;)

We played!
Got to hang with some of my fav Advo peeps!
played some more...

started a playroom band!
blew bubbles...
and napped more with our puppies!

Reese used to be my careful and reserved child…not anymore!  This girl climbs on anything but her fav is the outside of the stairs!

 One evening at soccer practice Reese's hair ended up like this!  All I could thing of was "There's Something About Mary"!  ha!
 Ryne loves to wear my old jewelry!  She was rocking a basketball ring the other day!
 She has also turned into quite the cute dresser!  She loves to pick out her own clothes and I think she looks super cute!
 Lovely tornado season has started.  This night we were stuck in the bathroom at church during Switch!  Not so fun!
 Reese loves to rock her own outfits too!  On this day she borrowed Ryne's fur vest and over the shoulder purse and rocked them!

 We had Ryne's award program after her fashion show and this little model was worn smooth out!  ;)
 We LOVE our library too and made a pit stop there on our way home.  Ryne put on quite the puppet show!
then the girls enjoyed some computer time 

 and of course they had to pose with the statue...
 this is my view anytime I work in my office.  a bunch of toys, one precious bedhead girl, and a dog or two!  ;)
 Reese and I went to a really fun pirate party one day.  Ryne chose to go volunteer at the animal shelter with Jeremy while we partied.  That girl has such a sweet heart!
cutest little pirate!
 changing lightbulbs is always a family activity!

 We enjoyed partying with another sweet girl this month as well.  Big sis came with us to this fun party.  :)

 Soccer, lots and lots of soccer and I LOVE it!
 Reese felt like she needed to wear this headband to a play date.  I guess she anticipated working out!  ;)
 Reese is my BIG helper when I am working on a project for Switch.  She is seriously so laid back and handles being at church for hours at a time.  Love my little side kick!
 Daddy had to go out of town (which is totally normal but upset the girls more than usual on this day), so I took them for ice cream!  That seemed to help some...

That pretty much sums up March!  I'm hoping April is just as much fun with not so many storms!  yikes!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Lovely March day = trip to the park!

We had a really warm day so we jumped on the chance to enjoy the afternoon at the park!

 We had a fun day just us girls.  I hope these sweet sisters stay as close as they are now when they are all grown up!