Sunday, January 4, 2015

Lovely weather, Pj reading, roller skating fun!

We are having a rough winter, but every now and then we have a pretty amazing day and we do our best to enjoy it!  We were finally able to check out or new little park!  The girls gave it two thumbs up!

 Then after getting all nice and clean it was time for a story or two...

 The next morning Reese was still wanting to read.  She does this adorable thing when she's "reading". It's like she smells the words!  It is so funny!
 After reading our books we decided to meet some friends at the skating rink.  The girls had fun but Reese wasn't much on skating!

 This kid loved it though!

 Ryne and Jett were so cute during the couples skate!  lol!
 Me and my girl!

 Daddy got in on the action too!  It was the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon!  :)

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