Saturday, January 31, 2015

January fun!

January was full of playing outside as much as possible, play dates, awards ceremonies, fun outings, trip to Texas, and lots more!  We stay busy but wouldn't want it any other way!
love this cutie!
Reese loves to try out chairs while shopping!
 Soccer awards ceremony!  Ryne loved seeing most of her old teammates!  We can't wait until next season!

 Goofing around after school…love this little nut!
 Reese wanted to make her own snack one day…yum!
 CEC or bust!  CEC is always a good time.  :)

 So is CFA ice cream!
 The girls LOVE to decorate our Neato.  :)
 My bff is having a little boy and I got to help with his shower!  Ryne came along and LOVED it!
Road tripping to Long View with my girl!
 It was such a fun shower and Ryne loved being one of the bog girls!  She filled out her note to Ethan (I had to help with the spelling on a couple of words) by herself and I thought it was just precious!  I also got to meet sweet Phoebe.
After the shower we grabbed dinner with my parents and of course needed a selfie or two...

 Then we had fun and Pops and GranJan's house...

They LOVE finding lizards there!

We donated food to the food pantry...

We enjoyed several days at the park...

 Ryne lost another tooth!
 and we got to see what she will look like when she is an old lady...
 Reese and I found a fun new place..

 we can't wait to go back with Ryne!
 and the girls snuck a couple Sunday naps...
We had friends over...
 and got in touch with our wild side!

It was a fantabulous month!

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