Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Swimming, Sea World, and CEC…oh my!

We started our fun day off with breakfast, and then a dip in the pool!  These girls love to swim!

 After that it was time to get ready for our fun day at Sea World!  Our hotel was right by an airport and the girls loved watching the planes.  Some of their friends even got in on the fun!

 We made it to Sea World and the very first thing we did was catch a show...
 The girls LOVED it!

 After that we hit some rides...

 They LOVED those too!  Then it was time for a snack break.  Ryne wanted some ice cream, so I gave her the choice between ice cream or rehydrate…she chose Rehydrate!  Smart girl making healthy choices!  ;)
 Then we went to a pretty awesome play area…

 The girls loved it but it was tough and wore me out!  lol!  After that, time for more rides...

 My roller coaster buddy!

love this wild child!
Ryne and I got soaked on a ride…lucky for her I brought a change of clothes for her…me, not so much!  ha!

We ate lunch and then shared some cotton candy…yum!  

Reese may of had a little more than her share!  :)
 We were walking around trying to find something we could all do and Reese kept insisting that this roller coaster was PERFECT for her!  She may be a wild child yet!  ;)

perfect fit right?!

you know…just taking a break!
 Next was the penguins…Reese had been dying to see the penguins and they did not disappoint!

 She picked out her souvenir there (yep, another stuffed animal!) and then we headed to another show.

Ryne brought a whale to watch the wales!  :)

 After that, a little duck feeding...

 and then more playtime!

 Then we called it a day and headed for some pizza and fun!  The girls both love CEC and we love seeing them so happy!  :)

After dinner we were tired and ready for bed!  We had another fun day planned bright and early!

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