Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sea World take 2...

We surprised the girls with a character breakfast at Sea World!  This was awesome because it meant we got in before everyone else!  :)

 The girls were excited to see the characters!  Reese didn't want to get too close but she liked seeing them.  :)  The characters were great and so funny!  They stayed at each table for awhile and made several trips back to visit and play with the girls.
 Cookie montser was so funny!  He tried to eat everything and the kids would just laugh and laugh!

Reese thought Count was a monster…I can see that!
 Elmo was the only one that got a little loving from Reese!

where did Ryne go?!

 They also played a game of hide and seek!  The kids went to one area while the characters hide…good hiding cookie monster!
 Ryne was the LAST one found!  Way to go Ryne!
 Reese had ventured down, but not for long!

 She was getting her dukes ready for the next character!  ;)

She is much happier safe from the crazies!  :)
Jeremy, Ryne, and Cookie Monster had to take a selfie!
After that we walked around and found some fun stuff...
 Handprint art...

 and of course…face painting!  
Then we were off for more fun!
 We watched the amazing pet show…so cute and funny!
 Then we found a new playground…and Reese slid all by herself!!  She's never done that!

Just for comparison…or reserved child and wild child!  ha! 

when tired she will nap no matter what!
 Then we found a cool aquarium...

 Next we stopped by to pet the dolphins...
 It got really busy so we headed back to the hotel for some swimming!  I stayed out and hit the treadmill and watched the fun!  :)

my view from the treadmill...
After our little work-outs we cleaned up and headed out for some yummy burgers at the original Fudruckers!  
Then it was home for some stories followed by bedtime!

love my little cheesers!
One more day of fun coming up!

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