Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Oklahoma City Memorial Run...

So the Memorial Run in Oklahoma City was by far our least favorite.  We were so excited to go run it.  We were meeting family and friends and looking forward to a great run for a great cause.  We got there Saturday and headed straight to the Expo to pick up our packets.  Then we met up with my parents, little brother, cousins, aunt, and uncle for some carb loading!  My cousin Marcus and his wife Donna were both running the 1/2 as well.  My parents, aunt Kitty, cousin Eddie, and Cassie were all doing the relay.  We enjoyed hanging out and eating some yummy carbs before calling it a night.  The start time was 6:30am, so we tried not to stay out too late!

The next morning came WAY too early!  By 5:30 we were sitting on the shuttle heading towards the start line.  We got there, checked our bags, took our awesome supplements and then they announced that we were pushed back to 7:15 due to lightening.  So we ducked out of the rain and took a few selfless...

Then we filled down to the starting line around 7:00.  At 7:10 they announced that we were pushed back until 7:30 and they sky fell out!  It started pouring and every scrambled under parking garages.  As 7:30 approached they announced we were pushed back until 8.  Then close to 8 we were pushed back again until 8:15.  All during this time you are either sitting on the hard concrete or standing smushed together.  It rained, hailed, crazy lightening…just awful!  Then it cleared up and was barely sprinkling so we all inched our way back to the starting line.  By the actual start time of around 8:20 (much later than that before we were able to actually cross the starting line!) I was so shaky from being HUNGRY and I had a headache.  Fabulous!

Jeremy and I ran together the first 6 miles or so.  It it seemed like every step was a struggle.  I was grabbing pretty much anything they were handing out…water, gatorade, bananas…I skipped the pretzels because all the runners were just grabbing out of a bowl…eww!!!  I have never been so happy to see a finish line.
can you see the pain and exhaustion?!?!

I grabbed a bagel and chocolate milk as soon as it was over and that helped lift my spirits a little bit.  This was our 3rd 1/2 Marathon since March 2 (less than 60 days for all 3)…and my WORST time!  Oh well, there is always next time!  :)

After meeting back up we headed to catch a shuttle back to the hotel to get cleaned up and head to IHOP for some much needed pancakes.  YUMMY!  My little brother, Marcus, and Donna joined us so that made it even better!  After lunch we met back up with the Relayers and then said our goodbyes to everyone.  We enjoyed visiting but it was time to get back to our girls!

On the way home my headache kepis getting worse and worse.  Little did I know that my BP was sky high!  Thankfully it is leveling out since I ditched the Clariden-D!

Undefeated season!!!

Our Lady Leopards had an awesome season!  They went undefeated this year…woohoo!  Not that we are keeping score or anything!  :)
pre-game silliness!

donuts and soccer go hand-n-hand...

 Ryne loves her some Brooke!  They are sweet friends!

Ryne is quite the little soccer player!  She is so fun to watch!  She is competitive and funny and is like the energizer bunny!  She loves to score, but also loves to play defense.  She is a little star!

And just for fun…taking pics while Reese climbs all over me is always fun!  ;)
and Ryne loves pretending like she is a statue or fountain!  haha!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The rest of Easter...

We headed to Pops and GranJan's for Easter lunch after church.  After a yummy lunch the girls got to hunt more Easter Eggs!  

 Here they come...

Reese getting a little help from Nanny!
 We enjoyed visiting for awhile and then Jeremy and I got to sneak off to watch "God is Not Dead"…awesome, awesome movie!  I would highly recommend it!  Thanks Pops and GranJan for a fun day AND date night!  :)
and I snagged this picture from Facebook…my big girl hanging out with friends during church on Easter.  :)

Easter cuties...

Oh I love all the Easter cuteness!  I seriously can't get over the cuteness in some of these pics…which is why I am posting about 437!  ;)  I love watching my girls laugh and love on each other.  It warms a mommies heart!

Thank you God for all my many blessings…but especially for these beautiful girls and their awesome Daddy!