Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I adore our Christmas day traditions!  Ryne's first Christmas we decided no more traveling on Christmas Day.  Our girl(s) would wake up in their own house on Christmas Day and from there we added some fun traditions ~ yummy breakfast, movie, (popcorn for lunch anyone?!), ice skating, and then dinner at IHOP.  Here first Christmas we obviously skipped Ice Skating because she was less than 2 months old!  ha!  Unfortunately since moving to Texas we haven't been able to find anywhere to ice skate on Christmas Day!  Crazy that out of the 3 places we've lived…Dallas has failed to deliver that!  lol!  But, we still had a blast with our other traditions!
waiting patiently for "lunch"!

movie time!  
After the movie we made a detour to Pop and GranJan's to see them and Nanny...
Then it was dinner time...
I love our sweet traditions and I hope next year we can start adding ice skating back in the mix!  Merry Christmas everyone!

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