Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas Eve...

Christmas Eve started with a couple of crazies jumping on us!
The rest of the day was spent unpacking, doing laundry, rounding up our dogs, grocery shopping, and then the best part - Candlelight Service.

We helped greet and hand out candles...
I took Reese to the nursery before service started because she was already a bit restless!  Ryne enjoyed it and did pretty good about being quiet.  She did how much longer several times.  She isn't quite ready for big church!  ha!
Once we got home it was time to get ready for bed and Santa!  Ryne also sent Jukie off with some cookies but I can't find that picture!  She decorated them with MM's and one said "I" one had a heart and one had a "J" for I love Jukie.  She was sad that she wasn't going to see him again for a whole year.  :(

Jukie left behind a picture and the heart cookie because he loves her so much!

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