Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Painting fun...

We had our entire house painted!  It looks so much better now but we were kinda trapped for 4 days!  We either had to be at the house but were constantly in the way or (when Jeremy was there) just away as much as possible!  

Of course Igi was a great place to kill a couple of hours.  Jeter was loving his drink this day!

 Both kids wiped out after so I parked the car and read a book!
 We picked up Ryne and headed to CFA to kill more time...

 After ice cream Jeter had a pretty big melt down and it took awhile for me to figure out that he wanted chicken!  So I bought a bog one (12) for all 3 to share and he wasn't having it.  I'm pretty sure he had at least 8!  Hungry boy!

The next day Jeremy took Ryne to soccer practice and I hung out with the littles.  We watched a little Mickey Mouse and then headed outside to get out of the painters way!

 We played hard and this sweet girl fell asleep once we came in...
 I took this boy for a drive to get him to close those pretty brown eyes!
 and this girl...she is just a nut!
We took Sunday off from the painters to go to church and just relax (Jeremy and I got a date night too!) and then they finished up on Monday.  I'm so glad we finally had it done!

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