Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Cowboy Cook-out...

This little cowgirl was pumped for the Cowboy Cook-out!

Jeter and I joined in on the fun after running a few errands. I would love to just pretend that it went well. We will pretend that Jeter did not lose his mind over the cars that were put up so kids didn't ride them. He absolutely did not try to take any and everyone's horses. He didn't try to go out locked doors or run around like a crazy person yelling "basketball" and "cars". He also did not cause the biggest scene kicking and screaming the entire way to the car and the entire drive home. #boyisloud
But you know what was sweet, this girl and how much she tried to help and love on her brother. She got him to dance with her (that was precious) and shared her food. So those few minutes made the rest of the not so fun time worth it!

All in all we survived and Reese was so happy to have us there.  Love that sweet little cowgirl!

Painting fun...

We had our entire house painted!  It looks so much better now but we were kinda trapped for 4 days!  We either had to be at the house but were constantly in the way or (when Jeremy was there) just away as much as possible!  

Of course Igi was a great place to kill a couple of hours.  Jeter was loving his drink this day!

 Both kids wiped out after so I parked the car and read a book!
 We picked up Ryne and headed to CFA to kill more time...

 After ice cream Jeter had a pretty big melt down and it took awhile for me to figure out that he wanted chicken!  So I bought a bog one (12) for all 3 to share and he wasn't having it.  I'm pretty sure he had at least 8!  Hungry boy!

The next day Jeremy took Ryne to soccer practice and I hung out with the littles.  We watched a little Mickey Mouse and then headed outside to get out of the painters way!

 We played hard and this sweet girl fell asleep once we came in...
 I took this boy for a drive to get him to close those pretty brown eyes!
 and this girl...she is just a nut!
We took Sunday off from the painters to go to church and just relax (Jeremy and I got a date night too!) and then they finished up on Monday.  I'm so glad we finally had it done!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Family night on the soccer fields!

Soccer is back in full swing so we made it a family affair and enjoyed the night on the fields.  Lucky for us this practice field has a pretty great park attached!  ;)

 Silly boy!  I asked if he wanted his jacket and he said "oh cold"...but refused to put on a jacket!  ha!

 He's still got it!  ;)

Pretty night under the lights!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Love Day!

We love us some Valentine's Day fun!  We started prep the day before and Reese was the best helper!

 She wanted to make melted chocolate hearts and of course had to make sure they were okay!  ;)
 We found the coolest Valentine's cards for Ryne to give to her classmates.  Each one was made by a lady in the Philippines who is working to hopefully keep her family together.
 Oh and the girls got mail!  Eeek...this is from 2 grandmas who love to spoil!
 We made a quick run to our favorite bakery to pick up yummy treats and gift cards...
 Finished teacher gifts...
 The next morning the kids woke up to a little Valentine's surprise...
 I mean I tried!  ha!

 Jeremy was ready with a little something sweet too!
 Ryne was the first to head to school...

 Reese followed a little later...

 How sweet is her Valentine's dress?!
 Then it was errands with this guy!

 Dinner time was a hit!  Steaks for mommy and daddy and pizza for the kids!  ;)  Then lots of fun treats!

 This cracks me up every time I look at it!  ha!

 This sugar loving boy was pretty happy with Valentine's Day!

We have so much to love this Valentine's Day!