Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Re-Adoption Day!

We made the drive to Ft. Worth the day before for Jeter's re-adoption hearing!  He legally became a Francis at the US Consulate in China.  This is basically so he can have a Texas birth certificate and it is way easier to get a new birth certificate from Texas when needed (sports, college, marriage, etc.) then it would be to have to file for a new one in Ningbo, China.  :)

As usual...Jeter loved the drive!  ;)
But I mean waffles make everything better right?!

We kept it simple and just had dinner at Cracker Baarrell and crashed early at the hotel.
The next morning we were up bright and early for our court date.
We had to wait a bit so the kids played on the stairs...
Then it was our turn.  Our Judge was so sweet and made everyone feel like they were part of it.
Francis family of 5!

She gave Jeter this stuffed car...he wasn't a fan of it not being able to roll like a real car! lol!
After that we went to a fancy breakfast at McD's with Poppy and Uncle Lance.  Then it was back to the hotel to pack up.  Jeremy had to meet with his boss for a couple hours (who works in Dallas) so we decided to drop him off and find something to do.  We found a really neat park and were able to easily spend a couple of hours.

Then the rain came so we made a run for the car!  We met up with Jeremy and hit the road home!

Now Jeremy wants to figure out if there is a similar process to get the girls Texas Birth Certificates too!  ;)

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