Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Jeter is 2!

Just like that...my sweet guy turned two!  We did not get to see much of his ones...but the part we shared with him was special.  I am so happy we will get to experience all of his twos!
 While Jeter napped, we made special birthday treats in the girls' easy bake oven.  ;)

 Awake and ready to party!
 We thought we of course needed to pick up Chinese food for dinner!
 He was in rice and noodle heaven!
 We wanted to celebrate both his Chinese and American sides...so we played dress up!

Oh my goodness...he has the best personality!  He keeps us laughing and on our toes!  I am so glad we were able to have a simple, low key day at home (just what was needed after 4th fun!), and just celebrate our special boy!  We love you Jeter Liam Francis!

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