Tuesday, July 26, 2016

When mono strikes...it strikes hard!

Ryne started feeling bad while we were in Emory.  We thought it was because of her new braces and maybe the pain of that was causing her to feel bad.  Well it went on for a few days.  She didn't want to do anything but sleep and lay around.  So we took her to the doctor and after some test they said it was mono!  Yikes!  She was down for several weeks.  
 Thankfully she found joy in talking through her megaphone and drinking out of pretty glasses.  ;)


 So weird to have our wild child just hanging out watching instead of running crazy!  This mono is no fun!

Water baby...

This kid that would not take a bath to save our lives a couple months ago would now live in the tub if we let him!  He doesn't even need toys (although he has a ton), he just loves to float in the water!

Love that silly boy!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Happy birthday Gran Jan!

We made it to Emory for party #2!  Jeter spotted a cat and was in LOVE!  This cat did not feel the same about our dogs though!!

 Jeter got to meet Nanny!
 they set up a little boy for the kiddos to stay cool!

 After burgers it was time to sing happy birthday to GranJan!
 Jeter was pretty popular among the party guest!

 Poor Ryne got sick while we were there and wasn't in the party mood.  :(
 But she did sit outside to watch the horses come in!  We had a scare with them going out so we kept the girls a safe distance!
 The next day our biggest cowgirl still wasn't feeling well.  But she sure looked cute!
 Shortly after breakfast we had to hit the road back home.
It was a quick but fun trip!

Josiah's birthday...

We were super excited to celebrate Josiah's first American birthday with him!  He had a Captain America theme which was perfect right?!  It was at a park and Jeter was ready to party!

 The birthday boy!

 cutest little villain!
 sweet little super hero!

 We had fun celebrating Josiah!  Then we hit the road to go celebrate GranJan!  This happened...and we considered it a date!  ;)

Friday, July 22, 2016


So we found out a few months ago that Ryne needed braces.  We decided to wait until after China and do it during the summer so she had time to adjust before school.  I scheduled it during Jeter's nap and off we went.
 After about an hour we had a new smile!  Still just as beautiful as ever!
 We checked on Jeter and since he was still snoozing, we hit up Target for school supplies!

We had fun shopping and picking out cute stuff for a new school year!  I love one on one time with my kids however I get it!  ;)