Thursday, September 24, 2015


I am a weird one and have ALWAYS hated my birthday.  I'm not really sure why.  BUT I started doing a random act of kindness for each of my years on my birthday a few years ago and it really helps take the sting out of it.  It does get a bit more difficult every year because it can be hard to come up with that many RAK!  But hopefully I can keep it up until I'm 90.  ;)

In no real order, here are most of the ways we showed a little kindness.
online donation…easy peasy!

This one was fun.  I found a random wedding registry and sent them an item from their registry.
treats for Ryne's teachers...
their favorite treat and their most requested school supply
Ryne has been wanting to have her own little library for awhile.  I finally made it happen.
I sent lots of stickers to my old Mom's club.  They use them to make memory books for NILMDTS.
we put together some blessing bags.
Surprised a friend with CFA.
brought treats to the crossing guard...
and mail carrier
we handed treats out randomly to people as well.
we supported a FunRun
did some fun donut drops...

 left stamps for someone at the Post Office
 and detergent and quarters at a laundromat.
 change on games
 and car washes
 I let me RAK sidekick pick lunch
 then we headed to a bookstore...
 to leave little notes/cash in books.

we left treats for our mail carrier
and snacks for a movie renter
wipes for a mom in need!
 and a gift card on a buggy
$1s in the $1 aisle

left a gift card by the gift cards...
 cute little helper!
 then we hit up the park with Ryne...

 went to soccer practice and left that CFA gift card on our friend's car…super sneaky!  (but they totally figured it out)
 we ended the night with my girls picking dinner...

It was a fun day with my little loves!  Jeremy was at a meeting (every single birthday!  lol!) but he definitely made it special before he left.  I love my little birthday tradition and I love who I get to do it with even more!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

August fun...

August has pretty much been filled with unpacking, settling in, finding our way around our new town, getting ready for school, and squeezing the last bit of fun out of summer!
 We have a media room in the new house and we love sneaking up for some mid-day, quiet time, movie fun!
 yep, look at that crazy playroom behind us!

 we've enjoyed walking around our new neighborhood and trying to figure it all out!
 we found a park!

 checking out the new grocery store...
 and Ryne's new school!

 more movie relaxation in the nice COOL house!  It's hot out there!
 crazy girls!  We still didn't have our pool key so this is how they cooled off!  ;)
 watch some soccer and Ryne loved the AdvoCare logos everywhere!
 more walks with this cutie!

 this one too!

 we found Ryne an awesome new chair!

 and found a new yogurt place!

So we've obviously made Conroe home!  ;)

We hosted a couple Mixers and Brittany and I happened to dress alike
My girls are normally so good during our mixers!  
 they entertain themselves!  ;)
 and of course we LOVE walking to and from school.  We never have to worry about getting stuck at lights or long drop off lines!  ;)


Yep, August wore me out too Reese!  ;)