Thursday, May 3, 2012

Reese is 10 months old!

I can't believe that our precious baby girl is already 10 months old!  She is sweeter than I could ever put into words and has completely stolen our hearts!

Reese isn't crawling forward yet but can crawl backwards or scoot around on her booty to get where she wants to go.  She is so curious and likes to check out everything.  She especially loves things that aren't hers like my phone!  She just lights up when she grabs something she isn't suppose to have...she might be a little stinker one day!  :)  She has started giving "5's" and still loves to wave.  She babbles non-stop and loves to have conversations.  Ryne put in well when she said that she guessed we just didn't speak Reese's language!

Reese - you are so wonderful!  I really couldn't imagine a sweeter baby!  I am so blessed to be your mommy!  My very favorite time of day is rocking you to sleep.  I hope you let me do that until you are 5!  :)  We really can't get over how happy and content you are.  You are such a joy to us!  We love you baby girl!

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