Friday, May 4, 2012

Another week without Daddy...

Having two weeks pretty much back to back of being a single mommy made me appreciate not being one!  Ha!  Both girls were pretty good all week it just gets a little tiring being "on" the whole time.  But I had fun with my little sweeties.

Ryne chalking with our little neighbor.  It cracks me up that she kept her helmet on from her bike ride!

Ryne called me into the bathroom to have me take a picture of this!  Ha!  This is one for her senior slide show!  :)
 We are blessed to live by some sweet friends for all of us.  Ryne and Olivia love to go on afternoon walks or bike rides.  They got lucky the other day and there was a big water puddle.

See how dirty she is?  Who still thinks I need a boy?!  Ha!
 Wednesday was full of fun!  We started the day with a trip to Boingo Bounce with our neighbors.  Then we did CEC and ended the day with a bike ride.  Lucky girl!  :)

Oh my...that is all I can say!!!!

Yep, caught ya!

 Thursday was KDO for Ryne and errands for me (and Reese).  Reese had it made it Target!  She was so happy lounging and munching on cheerios!  And Yes, I had a hand on her the whole time since she wasn't buckled in!

 We picked up sissy and headed to PetCo to look and some stuff.  Who needs an aquarium?!

Letting sister lead the way.

 I'm not sure if you noticed, but yes Ryne is wearing the same dress 2 days in a row.  We were actually late to KDO because she insisted on wearing it and it had to be washed.  Picking my battles.  :)  At least it's a cute dress!
Love this messy girl!

This is one of Reese's current loves.  Hey...anyway I can get spinach in my girls is okay by me! 
It's Friday!!!!!  Jeremy got home late last night and I am looking forward to him being home for awhile!  Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

If the shoe fits...

I love this little princess!!

love those pretty brown eyes!

Reese is 10 months old!

I can't believe that our precious baby girl is already 10 months old!  She is sweeter than I could ever put into words and has completely stolen our hearts!

Reese isn't crawling forward yet but can crawl backwards or scoot around on her booty to get where she wants to go.  She is so curious and likes to check out everything.  She especially loves things that aren't hers like my phone!  She just lights up when she grabs something she isn't suppose to have...she might be a little stinker one day!  :)  She has started giving "5's" and still loves to wave.  She babbles non-stop and loves to have conversations.  Ryne put in well when she said that she guessed we just didn't speak Reese's language!

Reese - you are so wonderful!  I really couldn't imagine a sweeter baby!  I am so blessed to be your mommy!  My very favorite time of day is rocking you to sleep.  I hope you let me do that until you are 5!  :)  We really can't get over how happy and content you are.  You are such a joy to us!  We love you baby girl!