Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Too much snow!!

It started snowing one Wednesday.  A lot!  By the time I left to get Ryne our neighborhood looked like this...
 The neighbor that you have to drive through to get to Ryne's school looked like this...
 I went super early and was car #4...
 As soon as we got home they were ready to play!

 Sand toys in the snow are a blast!

 We played until we couldn't feel our fingers or toes and then went in to clean up and eat dinner.  A cold day like this called for breakfast for dinner!
 The next day school was out!  So, a sweet friend (with 4-wheel drive) picked us up for some sledding fun!

Enough snow fun…please bring on summer!!  ;)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo….

One beautiful Saturday, that happened to be Valentine's day, we headed to the Zoo!  It was gorgeous…and very popular but we had fun!

 We had such a fun afternoon seeing some animals and letting the girls play on the playground.  Then we tried for a family selfie...

nailed it!
 After that we continued the fun with a trip to CEC!

Such a fun day with my loves!