Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December fun...

December was super busy but super fun!  We had some normal days like this one where we went to the gym and Reese rocked her own headband style!

 Oh, and we made a life size monopoly game…you know just the usual stuff!
 Ryne is one smart cookie!  She brings these home every week.  Daddy was out of town so she wanted to send him a picture.
 Awe…tis the season...
 We did our 25 day countdown to Christmas with fun activities and RAKs.  The girls loved making cards for our amazing troops!
 We also got to hang with some pretty cute boys one night...
 we play outside anytime we can!
 Ryne had a Christmas program and she looked super cute in their "costumes".

 Reese and I watched it twice.  She wasn't as impressed as me.  :)
 Reese drew her very first family portrait!  So So Precious!!
 and these guys were up to no good!
 Ryne tried to trick us and acted like the elves had colored on our picture.  Bad news - canvas + permanent marker = not coming off!  Good news - Ryne came clean and we laugh every single time we look at this!
 It's never too cold for frozen yogurt!
 lots of treats for Ryne's school...

 Fun class party!
 napping with friends...
 and Ryne helped wrap presents!

 Ryne and I snuck away for a GNO to watch Annie...

 LOVE GNO with my big girl!
 and this poor girl shopped until she dropped!
It was a great month and end to 2014.  I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas with the Martins and Bradfords...

The day after Christmas we headed to Camden and the next day all these cuties were ready to eat!
 and ride on the golf cart!
 and do some art...
 and of course open presents!
 After an amazing day with my family I heard that my BFF was in town!  So of course I had to see her and feel that sweet belly!  ;)
 The next day we headed to Oklahoma for the Bradford Christmas.  We stopped to visit Uncle Michael on the way. I so wish he could have met my girls and I would love for my girls to know their uncle.
 Then we joined the party...

love this guy!

I stole this pic from Teresa!
We enjoyed the day so much but before long it was time to head home.  We were are tired and ready for our beds!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas!

I absolutely love Christmas morning with our girls!  We wake up super early to see what Santa brought…

 There is nothing like those sweet Christmas morning smiles!

 and bed head!

 it's heavy!

 super excited about drums!  ;)

 it took them awhile, but after all the presents were opened, Ryne remembered that she asked Santa for a trampoline…he delivered!

 We played for awhile, had breakfast (waffles please), then headed to a movie.
 After the movie…Ice Skating of course!

Then we ended the day at IHOP!  The perfect Christmas tradition in our books!  Just lots of sweet family time and remembering why we celebrate Christmas anyways!